April 16 2024:
Thomas presented his exit seminar and successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation! Sincere congratulations on your hard-earned, and fantastic success Dr. Jorgensen!
April 16 2024:
Congratulation Deborah for passing the oral qualifying exam to advance to candidacy!
March 28, 2024:
The sustainability work of Josiel and Damilola as well as the research of Motunrayo with microdroplets is presented at the Naff Symposium gathering considerable attention.
March 18, 2024:
Congratulations to Motunrayo for successfully completing the written qualifying examination!
February 9, 2024:
Our article "Conversion of Catechol to 4-Nitrocatechol in Aqueous Microdroplets Exposed to O3 and NO2" is now officially published in ACS ES&T Air Vol. 1 No. 2 . Thank you ACS ES&T Air for highlighting our work with a journal cover!. The article was covered on the news by UKNOW and
January 19, 2024:
Our new collaboration with research groups at Laurier University and the National Research Council of Canada is published in Langmuir: In Situ Electrochemistry of Formate on Cu Thin Films Using ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy. DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c03660.
December 11. 2023:
Marcelo is honored and humbled to be included in the list of top 2% ranked researchers in the world from Stanford University in a partnership with Elsevier and to continue contributing his research to society. On the news: UKNOW
December 7, 2023:
Josiel delivered a great presentation of our sustainability work with biomass at the UK NRT Food, Energy and Water Nexus Symposium sponsored by NSF.
December 7, 2023:
Great job of Reagan presenting our work about emerging pollutants at the UK NRT Food, Energy and Water Nexus Symposium sponsored by NSF!
December 7, 2023:
Deborah showing our newest work with catechol at the UK NRT Food, Energy and Water Nexus Symposium sponsored by NSF. She presented exciting results!
November 21, 2023:
Ariful Hoque's first author work is among the most accessed during the last year in the journal Materials.
September 27, 2023:
Congratulations to group member Motunrayo Oladele for receiving the People’s Choice Award at the University of Kentucky Sustainability Research Poster Competition today! This research was sponsored by the UK NRT grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF).
September 19, 2023:
The patent "Apparatus and method for trace gas detection utilizing unmanned aerial vehicles" created under the sponsorship of the National Science Foundation is granted until the year 2039.
August 28, 2023:
Congratulations to Josiel for his accomplishments that are honored with a graduate student travel award from Arizona State University to participate in the 2023 NSF NRT annual meeting in Tempe.
August 16, 2023:
The Intersections of Climate, Urban Living and Chemistry Symposium at the ACS National Meeting in San Francisco was a great venue for Marcelo to present the invited talk Oxidation of Catechols at the Air-Water Interface by Nitrate Radicals.
June 5, 2023:
Marcelo delivers an invited talk in the Interfacial Chemistry in the Environment Symposium of the Canadian Chemistry Conference in Vancouver.
May 26, 2023:
Josiel is awarded the National Science Foundation Research Traineeship Fellowship!
May 25, 2023:
Congratulations to Josiel for receiving the Steckler Award 2023!
April 21, 2023:
Congratulations to Josiel for receiving a second place award in the 48th Naff Symposium Poster Competition!
April 20, 2023:
Congratulations to Josiel for passing his fifth semester oral qualifying exam and becoming a PhD Candidate now!
April 18, 2023:
The paper by recent PhD graduate Sohel Rana "Oxidation of Catechols at the Air–Water Interface by Nitrate Radicals" published in Environmental Science and Technology is covered in the press by UKNOW!
March 31, 2023:
Mia did a great job presenting her poster at the Regional Undergraduate Poster Competition in Lexington.
March 29, 2023:
Marcelo's talk "Surface Oxidation of Phenolic Aldehydes: Fragmentation, Functionalization, and Coupling Reactions" is presented to the Division of Environmental Chemistry at the ACS National Meeting in Indianapolis.
March 29, 2023:
Josiel presents research about OH radical quantification during the ACS National Meeting in Indianapolis.
March 28, 2023:
Reagan presents a new talk in the ACS National Meeting in Indianapolis.
March 28-29, 2023:
Marcelo organized the Crossroads in Atmospheric Chemistry Research Symposium. It was great to see so many colleagues and students presenting great research at the ACS National Meeting in Indianapolis. Research talks and posters were presented by students, postdocs, and faculty to the Division of Environmental Chemistry. Everyone did a great job!
March 21, 2023:
Congratulations to Damilola and Deborah for completing successfully the written qualifying examination!
February 21, 2923:
Good news! The article "An overview of the effect of bioaerosol size in coronavirus disease 2019 transmission" received enough citations to be a #topcitedarticle in The International Journal of Health Planning and Management.
February 4, 2023:
The Guzman Lab is wonderfully represented by Damilola, Motunrayo, Deborah, and Reagan, who performed outreach activities at the The Kentucky American Water District Science Fair hosted by Fayette County Public Schools.
November 18, 2022:
The paper "Oxidation of Phenolic Aldehydes by Ozone and Hydroxyl Radicals at the Air–Solid Interface" by Sohel and Marcelo is published in ACS Earth and Space Chemistry!
November 10, 2022:
Congratulations to Reagan for passing the oral qualifying exam and to Josiel for successfully completing the written qualifying examination!
November 2, 2022:
The outstanding paper "Oxidation of Catechols at the Air–Water Interface by Nitrate Radicals" by Sohel and Marcelo is published in Environmental Science and Technology attracting a lot of public and press attention from, swifttelecast, and nach-welch!
October 21, 2022:
Congratulations to Arif for the publication of the paper "Chemical State of Potassium on the Surface of Iron Oxides: Effects of Potassium Precursor Concentration and Calcination Temperature" in Materials.
September 22, 2022"
An open access article about the "Interfacial Oxidative Oligomerization of Catechol" by Marcelo, Liz, and Alexis is published in ACS Omega.
September 19, 2022:
We are excited that our collaborative paper "Reactivity of aminophenols in forming nitrogen-containing brown carbon from iron-catalyzed reactions" is published in Communications Chemistry.
September 7, 2022:
The paper "Surface Oxidation of Phenolic Aldehydes: Fragmentation, Functionalization, and Coupling Reactions" is published as part of The Journal of Physical Chemistry virtual special issue “Michael R. Hoffmann Festschrift”.
August 22, 2022:
Reagan presents the group research about the "Ozonolysis of Phenolic Aldehydes in Water" at the ACS National Meeting in Chicago!
August 15, 2022:
Congratulations to the new UK INFEWS cohort of trainees, and to those graduating the program last Friday!
@InFellows is multidisciplinary team providing unique graduate educational opportunities in #food, #energy and #water systems. @NSF #nsffunded
August 1, 2022:
The field study "Characteristics and health effects of particulate matter emitted from a waste sorting plant. Waste Management" is published in Waste Management!
May 27, 2022:
Congratulations to group members Reagan and Seth for receiving the NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) fellowship for the upcoming year!
April 28, 2022:
We are proud of group alumni Anna Fatta who was awarded a Fulbright Student Scholarships to start conversations about climate change, environmental policy and global collaboration in Mongolia!
April 5, 2022:
Congratulations to Dr. Sohel Rana for defending his dissertation!
March 20, 2022:
Marcelo presents a research talk at the ACS National Meeting in San Diego.
March 20-23:
A great set of speakers and poster presentations took place at the Symposium Atmospheric Aerosol Chemistry, organized by Marcelo during the ACS National Meeting in San Diego.
March 16, 2022:
Congrats Thomas for the publication of "Research on oxygen solubility in aqueous amine solvents with common additives used for CO2 chemical absorption" in the International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control.
February 16, 2022:
It was fun to share the ongoing group research "Interfacial Oxidation of Phenols" with Canadian colleagues at Wilfrid Laurier University.
February 1, 2022:
We report on the "Characteristics and assessing biological risks of airborne bacteria in waste sorting plant" in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety.
December 19, 2021:
Our group is represented at the Pacifichem meeting by Marcelo's talk about the "Heterogenous oxidation of methoxyphenols".
November 24, 2021:
Congratulation to Dr. Ariful Hoque for defensing his dissertation!
October 22, 2021:
Marcelo delivered the seminar "Interfacial Oxidation of Phenols" at Western Kentucky University.
August 31, 2021:
Marcelo and Alexis publish the review "Aqueous photochemistry of 2-oxocarboxylic acids: Evidence, mechanisms, and atmospheric impact" in Molecules.
August 25, 2021:
Sohel presents the group research about the "Surface oxidation of pyrogallol and 3-methoxycatechol by ozone" in the ACS National Meeting in Atlanta!
May 15, 2021:
The pioneering contributions to explain the effect of airborne transmission on COVID-19 were covered by Phys.Org on May 15, 2021.
April 5, 2021:
The lab presents 3 talks by Arif, Sohel and Marcelo to the Environmental Chemistry Division at the ACS National Meeting.
January 6, 2021:
A new paper about the modes of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and the factors influencing the airborne transmission is published in the Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health as a part of the Special Issue of Feature Papers in Environmental Science and Engineering, A press article on January 14 by The Guardian comments on the research.
November 25, 2020:
The original article "An Overview of the Effect of Bioaerosol Size in COVID-19 Transmission" is accepted for publication in the International Journal of Health Planing and Management.
November 25, 2020:
Sohel and Marcelo contribute a new paper accepted for publication in Environmental Science and Technology as part of a collaboration with Canadian colleagues: "Dark iron-catalyzed reactions in acidic and viscous aerosol systems efficiently form secondary brown carbon" by H.A. Al-Abadleh, M.S. Rana, W. Mohammed, and M.I. Guzman.
November 9, 2020:
The first Special Issue focused on Atmospheric Measurements with Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) is now completely available for free in Atmosphere and a synopsis in provided at DOI: 10.3390/atmos11111208. PDF
November 6, 2020:
Marcelo delivered the seminar "Heterogeneous Oxidations of Phenols in the Environment" at East Tennessee State University.
October 29, 2020:
We are proud of group alumnus Kayvon Ghayaumi, who completed a JD at George Washington University. Kayvon is the recipient of the Rothwell, Figg, Ernst & Manbeck Award, and the Giles Rich National Competition. A feature article about Kayvon's path from Chemistry to Law is available online.
October 13, 2020:
Work on heterogeneous oxidations of wildfire emissions published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry A ( is covered by Phys.Org and UKnow.
October 9, 2020:
Marcelo was delighted to present the virtual talk "Heterogeneous Processes in Atmospheric Photochemistry" to the School of Biochemistry, Chemistry and Pharmacy of the National University of Tucuman.
September 25, 2020:
Marcelo paid a virtual visit to Youngstown State University to chat with faculty and students, and delivered the webinar "Heterogeneous Oxidation of Phenols in the Environment".
September 15: 2020:
Congratulations Sohel for the acceptance of the article "Oxidation of phenolic aldehydes by ozone and hydroxyl radical at the air-water interface" to the Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2020), DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.0c05944
August 29, 2020:
Marcelo shared his career experience as "Academic Research Faculty" in the 2020 Careers in Science and Engineering Symposium (CaSES), which enable NSF NRT trainees to explore STEM career paths and their related skills.
July 16, 2020:
The article "Reactivity of Ketyl and Acetyl Radicals from Direct Solar Actinic Photolysis of Aqueous Pyruvic Acid",, is highlighted by two journals, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A and ACS Earth & Space Chemistry, as part of the Virtual Special Issue on Atmospheric Chemistry Research:
May 1, 2020:
Tyler and Anna are the recipients of the Paul L. Corio Scholarship and the David W. and Eloise C. Young Scholarship, respectively. Congratulations!
April 24, 2020:
Tyler Vogel receives an honorable mention in the Spring 2020 Independent Research in Chemistry Video Competition for undergraduate students. Great job Tyler!
April 22, 2020:
Marcelo is honored to receive the Outstanding Graduate Student Mentoring Award from the College of Arts & Sciences.